portable devices com api sample

portable devices com api sample

Portable Devices COM API Sample This sample demonstrates how to use the Windows Portable Device COM API (IPortableDevice).

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Flock是另一個好用的瀏覽器。剛開始的Flock跟火狐是用相同的核心,因此操作方式會與火狐有些相似,但近來年,改成與 Google Chrome相同的核心,速度變快許多。其中最大的特色是可以整合目前最流行的社交網站,包含 FACEBOOK,Twitter,LinkedIn,YouTube等。同時操作方式跟Chrome非常相似,也會自動記錄密碼等常用網站的功能,非常好用。 ...

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  • 2013年10月17日 - This sample demonstrates how to use the Windows Portable Device COM API (IP...
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  • 2013年10月17日 - This sample shows how to use the Windows Portable Device Services COM API (...
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  • This sample demonstrates how to use the Windows Portable Device COM API (IPortableDevice).
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  • Contribute to Win81Desktop development by creating an account on GitHub.
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  • Windows Portable Devices (WPD) enables computers to communicate with ... refer to the WPD ...
    Windows Portable Devices - MSDN - Microsoft